St. Patrick’s Day HANGOVER Show & Open Mic

Wydarzenie jest po angielsku, więc i wpis w tym języku 😛

The 17th of March is St. Patrick’s Day, A wonderful Day when people all over the world celebrate being Irish and Drinking!!! the 18th of March, however, is an awful day when people celebrate Aspirin!!!
Everything seems fine when you are drinking beers like faster than a fat kid eats sweets on Easter! but the next morning, When you wake up – up side down in a sleeping bag. Trying to remember what happened and who owns the monkey while you try to open the Zip with you toes!!

So This Year we decided that we will cancel the St Paddy’s Day and Have a St Paddy Hangover Day instead 🙂

We will have a showcase and an open mic in ZZ on the 22nd of March at 20.30.
Everyone is Welcome to come along and watch or if you feel brave go on stage and try telling a joke 🙂
Entry is free and the beer is cheap!!
See you then!!

Entry – Free
Time – 22/03/2015 19.30 Show starts at 20.00 sharp!
Host – Dave Redmond
Comedians – All the boys and Extra guests!


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